This week has been a great week. Lots of challenges throughout the zone, but we are managing well. Our Senpai (Elders in our zone who were older than us) left on Monday. That was tough, but it was good. My district has been more mature. Yesterday we got our Kohai (Elders in our zone who were younger than us). They are awesome. My companion (who has a girlfriend) flirts a lot with a girl in my district. He denies it all the time, and is so oblivious to it. They're the perfect match. But the other day. During service. In the morning. She walked up to him with makeup on and hair done. She said "nice shoes" in a very flirtatious way. He didn't even catch it. Everyone in my district has this huge joke about it and he has no idea what's going on! It probably doesn't sound as funny in the email. But it was HILARIOUS!!
Last Sunday for the devotional, BYU mens choir came. It was a sweet performance! Everyone loved it! And it was way good to hear some real music!
I feel like I've been here forever. But at the same time like I've only been here a week. I can't remember the first day that we came here that well. Just a big blur. I had to read my journal last night just to remember some stuff.
The MTC is a wonderful place. I love the feeling I get everywhere. Love you all. Miss you all. Send me pictures. They're the best present :)
~Love Elder Davies
His "District" (His companion is on the right side of him, between the Sisters).
All the Elders are also going to Fukuoka, Japan....the Sisters are going to Tokyo, Japan.
Kyle's goofy "Sensei"
Kyle and his Sensei.
Loving the lunchables!....getting to "fat" for Oreos.
**Yolanda, note the scentsy hanging on the bed!! (I need more for him.)
He says they have the best smelling room at the MTC.
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